I frequently mention that I have a lot going on in my life right now. I'm working a ton and trying to stay in close contact with my best friends (near and far!!) and trying to make time with my niece a priority and love having quality time with my wonderful boyfriend...
And I'm trying really hard to set myself up for future success outside of my current career and that means a lot of hustling to build a strong savings account... which makes for less time for all those important things.
I get a serious case of the Sunday blues every week because I'm exhausted.
And I'm pushing so so so hard to get to there. To the end... or at least the end of this crazy phase.
But this is part of it. This is the journey. The journey is absolutely necessary. It prepares us for the destination.
In the same way that dating the one is the journey towards marriage.
The journey is SO important. It is vital.
And yet sometimes we get so driven towards the destination we lose sight that where we are is part of our story, too.
The photo above is from the anniversary (one year!!? time flies...) trip D and I took up to the Mendocino County coast. We had so much fun. It was perfect. The perfect addition to our story and a perfect break to the very hectic phase I'm currently
The next time I'm feeling overwhelmed... I'm going to revisit the photos from our trip to remind myself how beautiful the journey can be.
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